You Rely On Your Equipment: How To Care For Your Air Compressor

When it comes to the equipment that you use on a regular basis, your air compressor might the one that get used the most. It might also be the one that's overlooked the most often as well. After all, many people don't even realize that air compressors require routine maintenance. Unfortunately, without proper maintenance, your air compressor may break down right in the middle of a project, which is the last thing you want to have happen. Luckily, it's relatively easy to maintain your air compressor, if you get into the right routine. Here are four of the steps you'll need to take to keep your air compressor ready for action.

Service the Oil System

When you're caring for your air compressor, there's one maintenance step that should be conducted on a daily basis. That step involves the oil. Not all air compressors require oil for operation. However, if you do use an air compressor that uses oil, you'll need to check the levels on a daily basis. Your air compressor will burn a lot of oil during operation, and if the oil level gets too low, the motor could burn up. You can protect the motor by keeping the oil at a proper level. It's also important that you replace the air compressor oil filter whenever it gets dirty and contaminated, usually at least once a month. It's a good idea to change the oil whenever you replace the filter.

Get Rid of the Moisture

If you're going to be operating your air compressor under humid conditions, the tank could be collecting moisture. Unfortunately, excess moisture in the tank can destroy your air compressor. If your air compressor seems to be sputtering, it might be due to too much moisture in the tank. If that's the case, shut the power off and release the air pressure. Once the air has been released from the tank, open the moisture release valve and allow the moisture to drain thoroughly.

Care for the Air Intake Valves

You might not realize this, but your intake valves will need to be cleaned on a regular basis. This is particularly important if you work in dusty conditions. Excess dust can clog up the intake valves and contaminate the filter. To avoid problems with air flow, it's important that you clean the intake valves and clear the filter. For maximum benefits, check the intake valves about once a week.

Keep the Fuel Tank Clean

If you've owned your air compressor for a while, and you've never cleaned the fuel tank, your fuel could be contaminated. Unfortunately, a dirty fuel tank, coupled with contaminated fuel, could lead to compressor malfunction. For best results, you should clean the fuel tank and replace the filter at least once a year.

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Exploring Industrial Equipment And Processes

Hello, my name is Mel. Welcome to my website about industrial equipment. When I was a young teen, I went on a tour to an industrial facility with my class. The equipment and processes instantly captivated my imagination. I started to dream up ways to use the equipment in my career. Although I ended up pursuing a different career path, I continued to study industrial equipment in my spare time. I created this site so I could share this passion for industrial equipment and processes with the world. I invite you to visit my site often to learn more about this interesting field. Thank you for your time.

