4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Forklift

If you run a warehouse, a forklift is one of the most essential pieces of business equipment that you own. In order to keep your forklift operating properly and on the floor, you need to engage in regular maintenance and checks of your forklift equipment. Make sure that you have one or more individuals on staff who understand and are capable of taking care of your forklifts, or contract with a forklift service repair company to take care of your forklift.

Change the Oil Every Three Months

Like with any vehicle, changing the oil is an integral and important part of taking proper care of your forklift. Changing the oil on a regular basis will help ensure that your forklift lasts as long as it should.

Keeping on top of oil changes has a host of benefits for your forklift. It will help improve the overall fuel efficiency of your forklift. Regular oil changes will improve the performance of your forklift and help prevent combustion problems.

Monitor the Hydraulic Fluid

Hydraulic fluid is extremely important for your forklift. This is the fluid that allows your forklift to lift up and move around items. It doesn't need changed as often as the oil in your forklift does. However, every time you change the oil, you should also check on the hydraulic fluid to see if it needs to be topped off or changed.

Check the Tire Pressure

You want to keep the tire pressure just right in your forklift tires. When your forklift tires are underinflated, they will not have the best traction, which can impact stopping speeds and safety in your warehouse. When your forklift tires are overinflated, they can blow out, which can cause the load the forklift is transporting to get dropped and can lead to injuries.

You want to keep a close eye on the tire pressure in order to create the safest working conditions possible. Check the tire pressure at least once a week, as the tire pressure can change easily over a short period of time. Have an air compressor on-site to make it easy to pump up and adjust the air pressure in your forklift tires.

Grease Up Moving Parts

Finally, make sure that you keep all moving parts well-greased. When moving parts on your forklift lose their lubrication, the consequences can be serious. Without enough lubrication, more friction will be created between each moving part, which can result in damage to the moving components of your forklift.

Keep your forklift running smoothly with attention to regular maintenance issues, such as changing the oil, keeping the hydraulic fluid filled, checking the tire pressure, and lubricating all moving parts. 

To learn more, contact a company like RDS Equipment, Inc.

About Me

Exploring Industrial Equipment And Processes

Hello, my name is Mel. Welcome to my website about industrial equipment. When I was a young teen, I went on a tour to an industrial facility with my class. The equipment and processes instantly captivated my imagination. I started to dream up ways to use the equipment in my career. Although I ended up pursuing a different career path, I continued to study industrial equipment in my spare time. I created this site so I could share this passion for industrial equipment and processes with the world. I invite you to visit my site often to learn more about this interesting field. Thank you for your time.

